Monday, December 22, 2014

Joe Cocker live 1970 - Obamas Last Night- ALOHA!

In a day of costumes, tie-die, and 

revolutionary EVERYTHING,

Joe Cocker was instantly DIFFERENT (!)

Was he for real?

Idiot Savant?  Truly mad or infirm?  

No one sang or moved like him! 

Like his body couldn't contain 

his vision and talent. His was the first

"Air Guitar" 

RIP Joe Cocker!


The Obama's DID eat at Morimoto, 

within sight of my lanai (balcony) last night.

Secret Service and HPD did a nice job. 

And then: they were OFF! 

-" DINNER WITH FRIENDS - The White House said the Obama family later went to dinner with friends at Morimoto Waikiki, a Japanese restaurant created by Masaharu Morimoto of "Iron Chef." It is one of their favorite dining spots on the island of Oahu and dinner there has become a vacation staple for them." News Link

Which prompted my early EARLY 

childhood memory of 

John F. Kennedy's speeding

motorcade through my town 

when he was senator/presidential 

candidate. I have a distinct memory 

of the excitement, the small expectant crowd, 

and the B L U R that was our view 

(he wan't able to stop - but waved for 

1/18th of a second.)

Yes. I am "old."

Glad to have YOU

to share it with!

             Warmly, cloudia


  1. Thanks for giving us your VIEW of the 1st Family's vacation. You're standing in for the White House Press Corps, who are most likely enjoying their Xmas in the snow and ice of the East Coast!

  2. I couldn;t believe it when I got the The Guardian news alert. I still remember his rendition of With a Little Help From My Friends. Bluesy and intense.

    RIP, Joe.

    Greetings from London.

  3. Iam so sorry he is dead.He had some great music.Rip Joe Coker.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. He really was the first "air guitar"... heck he was the first air "orchestra" with all he did !! RIP to a legend. Thanks CC. I get by with a little help from my friends, especially my former New Yorkers like yourself. Cheers :)

  6. It is sad news about Joe Cocker, I remember seeing his concert when he was in Baltimore many years ago.. Thanks for sharing the video, one of my favorite songs.. Cloudia, have a great evening!

  7. Thanks for the old remark. I am definitely into presidential gossip and spent more time reading the RIP Joe Cocker got. Of course as a nurse and, ahem, gossip, I would like to know what took him out. So to speak.

  8. are living in the hub of all action. Did you get to see the Obamas from afar?

    Joe Cocker was different from all the rest. I just watched another video of him singing with John Belushi (my cousin) on Saturday Night Live. John did a pretty darn good imitation of him.

  9. I did not see the first couple even from afar - just the fuss kicked up. But we all feel the thrill. FDR, Truman, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton all visited and stirred the melting pot in their day. But Barack was born a mile from where I'm writing this, and we're really proud of a local guy, seeing our best values reflected in how he behaves around other people. . . .

    Thanks friends <3

  10. I learned the news about Joe's death in another blog when I got online, and felt stunned. He was really before my time, but I got to know his music and his voice by appearances on the odd movie soundtrack, and really liked his sound. Quite a tremendous loss.

  11. Ah, my dear, we are not old, maybe oldish, but for sure genuine hippies. Maybe not by continuing all the crazy stuff we did, but having the heart for what it all meant and stood for. I think it's time for another chapter of "Make Love, Not War" for the world. Or at least a little bit of worldwide Aloha.
    Mahalo for bringing sunshine into our worlds; what a precious gift!
    Aloha, DrumMajor

  12. I was so sorry to hear about Joe Cocker.

  13. Oh what fun, Cloudia. I'm sometimes tempted to go over to Kailua just to see if we might bump into him.

  14. Yes, yes, yes, sing out loud for Joe, RIP.

  15. I remember the last time we were in Hawaii and the President and his family came to the sea park we were visiting. I didn't get to see them but saw all the Secret Service and local police. There was such a flurry of excitement. Lovely memory!

  16. I am SO bummed to hear about Joe Cocker's passing. he is a lifelong favorite of mine, who kept making strong, vital music right up to the end.


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