Friday, December 12, 2014

Sweet Air is Back

A  L  O  H  A!
The "Ha" in Aloha 
is the breath of life 
that we all share. 

Try it now, 
just let out a good 

'H a'

Today as is normal
Honolulu's air 
is sweet and delectable,
not too humid, 
not too dry.

Clean, sweet, breezes
 scented with perfumed people,
blossoms, restaurants, 
bakeries, and the sea.

Of course traffic
smells like traffic

This is Feel Good weather.

(] \ [)

Hope YOU feel good too!
                 Fondly, cloudia


  1. Aloha Cloudia, I wish I was there smelling the sweet breezes. It is cold here and I am not a winter person.. Love your sky shots, just gorgeous.. Have a happy Friday!

  2. It feels so good to say Ha with feeling!!

  3. i added my 'ha' to yours this morning. :)

  4. Oh my gosh I like the way you describe it Cloudia and I do know exactly what you feel, when i walk out into the garden most mornings and breath that amazing clean air, I feel so very lucky... HA!

  5. Ha, ha, ha!
    You are right, as ever, but your rainbow makes me smile!

  6. loved that first saying! pretty skies!

  7. Aloha Cloudia, so happy for you and your air quality. Funny thing first time ever yesterday our Amber Alert signs on the freeways, were alerting us about poor air quality and to limit our trips! Enjoy your lovely day!

  8. Hooray for sweet air - to match your sweet heart and soul. Love the rainbow too (of course).

  9. The sun is shining on the deep snow we got yesterday so it is a beautiful day full of brightness here too!

  10. Glad you are done with your VOG!!


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