Saturday, January 10, 2015

Polynesian JungleFowl

A  L  O  H  A !
Click on Cluck
The Polynesian Voyagers
who colonized Hawaii
brought red junglefowl
chickens with them.

Today, there are many 
feral fowl
strutting around 
our islands.
This fellow makes 
Diamond Head his home.

I gotta CROW!
Linking to 

Thank You
for strutting by!
            Warmly, cloudia

" Junglefowl are established on
 several of the Hawaiian Islands, 
but these are feral descendants 
of domestic chickens.  "  Link

News article about feral chickens 
on Oahu Link


  1. Heips
    This red junglefowl looks very nice, never seen it before.
    Have a nice weekend.

  2. Beautiful post Cloudia!As always:))

    Thanx alot for comment on my blog..either its bad or truly are a good blog friend..I will never forget..Thanx friend..and may you have a sunshine day!'

    Greetings Anita

  3. Beautiful colourful plumage. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. He is handsome, I can picture him strutting around acting bossy too. Great shot.. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Cloudia, have a happy weekend!

  5. Hello Cloudia.
    Beautiful pictures of these wild fowl.
    Have a very good weekend.
    Best regards, Irma

  6. It's a pretty bird. Escapes that are now feral - interesting!

  7. So nice that they brought fowl with them!

  8. Did you hear the one about the crow and the telephone pole? He wanted to make a long distance caw! Caw! CAW!

  9. I love it... Hawaii has feral chickens. That one is a beauty!

  10. Feral fowl makes me smile. They obviously knew a good thing when they saw it...

  11. Very handsome! The colours are beautiful.

  12. I knew these were the breed of fowl that they domesticated chickens from.

    Egg came first


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