Monday, March 16, 2015

Crane Your Neck

A  L  O  H  A !
 Morning Crane  
I like how the shadow
continues the line

" Sometimes life 
has a way of putting us 
on our backs
 to force us 
to look up.”  
                      Charles L. Allen 

Activity Up High

" Do just once
 what others say 
you can't do,
 and you will never
 pay attention to 
their limitations again. "
                                James R. Cook

Flying Dumpster

Swinging High

"All growth is
 a leap in the dark, 
a spontaneous, 
unpremeditated act
 without benefit 
of experience. "
                 Henry Miller

Keep in Perspective

" Life is a tragedy 
when seen in close-up, 
but a comedy 
in long-shot. " 
                      Charlie Chaplin

Here is an interesting short slide show
of men up high constructing the crane!

Linking to 
Our World Tuesday

Thank You
For Reaching!
             Fondly, cloudia


  1. I have to agree with Charlie Chaplin, most ardently.

    By the by just for your information, that is not a dumpster, it is a tool box known as a "gang box," because it holds all the specialty tools used on a job and it's raised up like that to prevent theft--unless of course the crane operator left the keys in the generator.

  2. Seen these in the distance. Menacing and beautiful structures!


  3. Great quotes again today, Cloudia. I especially like the ones by Henry Miller and James R. Cook. Scary flying dumpster, though. ;))

  4. I can't even imagine that kind of work!

  5. Terrific perspective shots. That Chaplin quote really speaks to me.

  6. I'm reaching with a great big good morning to you! I like that light reaching way up high, with a bird too!

  7. This sky high crane makes my legs feel like jelly. I like the picture with the palm and the crane in the distance.

  8. Machines! they look lovely against blue! Have a great week ahead!

  9. Woops, I am frightened by these there airo freaks.

  10. I'd rather see palms against the blue Hawaiian sky. Aloha Tom The Backroads Traveller

  11. You certainly need a head for heights for that job.

  12. Magnificent shots and such a blue,blue sky ~ Great quotes!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  13. There are so many wonderful quotes here to get you thinking.

  14. Nice shots of construction in action!

  15. Cranes in action are wowing! to me. Thanks, Cloudia.


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