Saturday, April 4, 2015

Scene At The Post Office

A  L  O  H  A   from Honolulu 96815
Feels like
nothing really bad
could happen here.
I enjoy
checking the mail
at the Post Office.

“ Like Alexander the Great 
and Caesar, I’m out
 to conquer the world. -

- But first I have to stop 
at Walmart and 
pick up some supplies.” 
                           Jarod Kintz

Mid-20th Century Functional
Hawaii is largely 
a natural environment.
Being born in a large city, 
living much indoors,
makes this a 
strangely nostalgic 
space to me

Is that a drone
 waiting patiently?

It IS indeed!
Someone's pet
sent for their mail?
[ Is a drone a critter? ]

Back In The Day - And Today
Before GMAIL
this was your In-Box

Look. . . A HORSE!
NOT an every day event
[ Critter!! ]

Linking to

Stretching his legs 
Waikiki Parade

Re-enacting the 
Royal Progress of
Hawaiian Kings & Royals
Visiting their Subjects

Yes. It is a calming routine
(usually) to visit the USPS-
A Public Service 
that Works for
ALL of us!

How's YOUR Day?
                      Fondly, cloudia


  1. Well from 0200 to 0630 thus far the day has been just fine.

  2. Well, that was a satisfying visit to the post office, with a surprise drone present too! Have a happy Saturday!

  3. You saw some neat sights at the post office. We are seeing more and more of those drones aren't we?

  4. I love this trip you took us on today Cloudia.. j'adore the old mailboxes, still working efficiently today.

  5. The post office--a constitutionally mandated service that is totally self-supporting! That is a beautiful post office, drone and all. The horses are gorgeous, too. So was the critter the drone or the horse?

  6. So happy I dropped in, what a delightful trip! Thanks for sharing!
    Happy Easter~

  7. neat to see the horses. the drone was interesting!

  8. I laughed at the idea of a drone going to get the mail...but hey! I probably laughed the first time I heard that one day I'd receive most of my mail on my home computer. ;)

  9. I believe the world is about to conquer me

  10. It is not often we get to see horses in town.

  11. Now I know that stunning white horse is a critter for sure. What fun it was going along with you this way. Let's do it again soon!

  12. Hello Cloudia, wonderful shots from your visit to the post office.. The drones are becoming more popular. Love the horses, they are pretty critters.. Thank you for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  13. Great series of photos ... The boxes are different here in Tahiti.

  14. From a mail run to horses! Terrific shots!

    Happy Easter, Cloudia!

  15. Aloha Cloudia!
    Hope you are having a great time! Sorry for the long absence, but it was a harsh 2014...
    Anyhow, enjoy the second half of my post on Valencia, Spain, with some old buildings around!
    Wish you a great Easter and all the best!

  16. What a trip that was today, Cloudia!

  17. Still early here. V early - it is not yet five. So far, so good.
    Loved your critters today. Both critters.

  18. I love the horses! Happy Easter!

  19. I used to have a small po box, it was neat

  20. Great shots and I love the horse. HAPPY EASTER.

  21. Who knows, maybe we'll all have drones someday, just like everybody* has a cell phone now.

    * Except me.

  22. I've always liked those post office boxes. Those and card catalogue boxes. Wouldn't mind owning one.

  23. Exciting Royal procession! Loved the touch with our not-so-distant past at the Post Office. I too go there to buy stamps...I have to have them to pay my bills because I am still paying them with paper! Aha...I refuse to be paperless!


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