Friday, July 24, 2015

Your Perfect Place

A  L  O  H  A !
" If I have learnt anything, 
it is that life forms
 no logical patterns. -

- It is haphazard and 
full of beauties which
 I try to catch
 as they fly by,
 for who knows
 whether any of them 
will ever return? "
                        Margot Fonteyn

I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise


Is there a 
Perfect Place to live?

That would differ 
for different folks.

A Laplander or Inuit
might hate jungles,
while a jungle woman
would freeze
in their world.

Do you love mountains?
Lakes? Deserts? 
The Sea?

The town of your birth,
or a place made 
just your own
far, far Away?

Town? Country?
Condo or ranch?

Do we need
People like us?
or perhaps a
foreign land?

For some a tiny
uninhabited isle
would be just
Perfectly Grand!

Name one thing
you love
about Your Home;
[And one you hate,
IF you dare.]

I'll start us off:
"Hawaii's uniqueness
Hawaii's uniqueness"
[for good and less-good]
Now YOUr turn!
                            Fondly, cloudia


  1. Hello Cloudia, wonderful images and quotes. I grew up in the city but now I much prefer the quiet and simple life in a more rural setting. Hawaii is a gorgeous place, I loved visiting there! Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  2. Aloha Cloudia. Beautiful images. I love the photo with banana trees! I too love a simple and quiet life but wherever it may be, I would love to be surrounded by people who care, love and get along well.

  3. Lovely images and thoughts, greetings!

  4. I grew up in New Orleans, and I like it for its more relaxed, easy-going attitude to life and that it's a festive place under the surface. Actually, because it's familiar. Aloha and a happy day, Cloudia!

  5. Blue ocean views and cooling ocean breezes... Love it that you're building a stairway to heaven (why buy when you can build your own???)

  6. Life is just a roll of the dice, really.

  7. You have me thinking, Cloudia! ;-))

  8. I grew up in D.C. and lived the longest in NYC.

    But now I like on the mountainside in West Virginia best. I do miss visiting the ocean, I never get around to it.

  9. aloha dearest!
    wonderful quotes and photos as usual.

    big hugs!

  10. Love the clean air. Long for the sea.

  11. I live in the best of both worlds, halfway between the city and the mountains. I am a couple hundred miles from the ocean, would like to be closer but still happy where I am.

  12. The sexiness of Mumbai and the ease with which she gets abused

    Namaste /\ from Mumbai


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