Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back to School Hawaii

A  L  O  H  A !

" Labor Day is 
a glorious holiday 
because your child will 
be going back to school 
the next day. "            
Bill Dodds

" The whole purpose of
education is to turn
 mirrors into windows. "
                                        Sydney J. Harris

Kahaluu Elementary School  
 47-280 Waihee Rd,
 Kaneohe, HI 96744

" You can get all A's 
and still flunk life. "
                    Walker Percy

One of the enduring joys
of adulthood
is NOT to return
to school in the Fall!

Who's with me?

                     Love, cloudia


  1. Ah yes, when the kiddos return to school. I don't think my neighbor's kid knew that when he woke me up at 1.45 am chatting with his girlfriend.

  2. C'est une chance d'avoir accès à l'école et au savoir. Tous les enfants du monde ne connaissent pas cette chance. Souhaitons leur de la connaître un jour. Belle journée à toi Cloudia.
    Je t'embrasse amicalement.


  3. Seeing them waiting for a school bus makes me wonder: will the day bring joy, or trouble. Little kids find going to school for the first time to be scary!

    [Go, little one! It should not be too bad. Besides, 3 PM will eventually come. Or even better, maybe it will be a half day.]

  4. Good morning, Cloudia. My son is almost 23, so it has been awhile since I had to worry about putting him on the school bus in the morning. But now, I love when the kiddies are back in school. PLaces I want to go to are less crowded, one of the joys in being retired. Have a happy day!

  5. Mirrors into windows.. I like that so much Cloudia. Am I the only one who loved school holidays :)

  6. lol. AS a teacher, this doesn't really apply about not returning to school.

  7. I well remember the excitement and the stress of the first day back. Glad that it well gone, Cloudia!

  8. I'm really concerned about those schools in Hawaii without air conditioning. How can they possibly learn? How can those teachers stand it?

  9. School days the happiest of your life? Not mine. No way, no how. I am very glad to have left them behind me.

  10. Amazing how we each add something of value to such a common thing! I love these comments. Thanks

  11. I read something the other day about how well into adulthood, September is still affecting adults long out of school, in terms of anxieties.

  12. I'm still going back to school, and I'm not a kid!!! I love the quotes today.


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