Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Favorite October

A  L  O  H  A !

" Autumn brings a longing 
to get away from the 
unreal things of life, out 
into the forest at 
night with a campfire 
and the rustling leaves. "
                           Margaret Sangster

" October comes. 
We’ll smell smoke then, 
and feel an unexpected 
sharpness, a thrill of 
nervousness, swift 
elation, a sense of 
sadness and 
departure. "
                  Thomas Wolfe

[ You Can't Go Home Again is a novel by Thomas Wolfe
 published posthumously in 1940, extracted from 
the contents of his vast unpublished manuscript 
The October Fair. Link ]

" When you look 
forward into time, 
it seems like forever. 

- When you look back, 
it appears time has 
passed in a flash. "
                     Zen Proverb


October is a time
to conjure.

Or is it just we
who grew where it
means Autumn's
wistful winds,
endings, and
thrill beginnings?

There are Hawaii seasons.
Even I, having lived here
just 29 years know that!

But in my magic
a rainy Oahu day
echoes Northern
climes of childhood,
soothing my soul
with grey mashed-potato

Thank YOU
for splashing
my puddle!


  1. Beautiful! I love sunny October days.

  2. Autumn heralds the beginning of silence in the slums, I have come to love the quiet surrounded by bitter biting cold.

  3. October is a bittersweet time; with cooler days and bright colors. But November is not far away!

  4. That's so funny, Cloudia: 'just 29 years!' You are still 'from away', then, as they say in the Maritimes!
    I adore October!!!

  5. A daily 'splash' in the puddles with you is happy times mon amie :)

  6. I'd escaped the fall in warmer places, maybe even by the fire, only not feel cold. Regards.

  7. That Zen proverb is soooo TRUE! I very much enjoy splashing in your puddle, Cloudia!

  8. Since it's a Hawaiian puddle, do we get to splash barefoot, even though it's October? That first picture is stunning. Is it a tree trunk? Love all the colorful fallen leaves.

  9. October is my favorite month. I love those pics of eroded leaves

  10. Stunning photos! Have a happy day!

  11. Oh yes, the top pic is of trees and sky, manipulated with Picasa.

    Thanks VERY much for making my day with your comments!

  12. The pics are fabulous today, Cloudia! And the quotes as always.

  13. Brilliant contrast in each photo, Cloudia - very nice!
    Have a Nice Day!
    Peace :)

  14. On this side of the world, October is often about the helter-skelter rush into summer. Spring is in full flow - being pushed out the door by her impetuous sister.
    As always, I love your photos. And quotes.

  15. Most of today has been filled with those grey-mashed potato-skies, if only the winds would rest, so I can enjoy a bonfire again!


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