Monday, November 9, 2015

Marin Malihini

A  L  O  H  A !
Princess Flower, Marin 
is a Hawaiian word
for a person
who JUST got here:
a newcomer.

Fragmentary Impressions
Today marks one week
that I am waking
in California
instead of Hawaii.

Like these geese,
I am paddling like mad
under the surface.

But it already suits me
down to the ground.
This is a simpatico place
on many levels,
and I feel wonderful!

I think I will do
some good work here,
and have already written
my first continental poem
in thirty years:

Marin  Malihini

These are
the stars of childhood,
profusion & wonder
I hadn't remembered
till now.

This is the Autumn
of wood smoke & colors
banishing dread heat
on leafy hushed streets.
Pumpkins and raking and cornstalks in sheafs;

This is the Autumn
that I remember.

These are the people
albeit with new faces
the people of many places
who call this bounty

Rolling country, Bay,
Meadow, Mountain;
Ocean beaches
spraying fountains.

Across the storied
Golden Gate
dreams long deferred
shimmer and wait.

This will be good,
this will be meat;
I'll labor, that labor
will bring forth much sweet.

Thank YOU
for Visiting!
Fondly, cloudia


Optional Exegesis

Waikiki is a bustling Urban Resort on lapping sands
with gentle waves and Diamond Head. Magnificent skies
but certainly no place for astronomy.

I grew up in the Northeastern USA 
with four distinct seasons.

Since 1967 I have been trying
to move to [not just visit]
The People's Republic of
San Francisco.

And now here I am: 30 minutes away.
No telling WHAT can come of this!


  1. Aloha Cloudia

    Glad you are settling well over there. Good writing there. :)

  2. Exciting times.
    I do love four seasons (well three of them) and your poem.

  3. Go to Berkeley, I need to know if it has been gentrified. This reads like you made a permanent move~~am i that far behind as to not know if this is a visit or...


  4. How nice! I hope you will enjoy your life in California.

    You wrote a wonderful poem. So evocative of the setting. May you prosper!

  5. glad you are finding yourself at home. :)

  6. We're finally getting some autumn here and man is it welcome

  7. Glad to know you're settling in and enjoying your new space. Can't wait for pics of your visits to the People's Republic of San Francisco...

  8. Hello, Cloudia, I hope you are enjoying your new home. California and San Francisco are so pretty, I always love visiting there. Your poem is wonderful, thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  9. You're on track! I know you will enjoy every moment.

  10. Ah, I have never been to California...close (Arizona, Nevada) but not to that beautiful place. I look forward to what you see there and take photos of!

  11. :-) That's how I felt when I moved back to Hollister over 12 years ago.

  12. Oh my goodness, this is a change for you, and for us! I'm already thinking of the lovely photos of places and people you'll share! San Francisco is one of my favorite places! So much to see and do. Enjoy every single moment.

  13. Only good can come of this Cloudia, as seen here in your words... how EXCITING!!!!!


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