Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Scenes From a New Life

A  L  O  H  A   from   Marin County!

“Out of intense complexities 

intense simplicities emerge.”

                                      Winston Churchill 

" A smile will gain you 

ten more years of life. "
                               Chinese Proverb

" Never cut 

what can be untied. "

                           Portuguese Proverb


Woke up to rain.
Pixie was fine with it
until the thunder!
[no thunder in Hawaii]

She is still
hiding under the bed.
I am proud to say
that I came out of there

Listening to rain
on the roof
feels like
Home -

Thank You!


  1. No thunder in Hawaii?
    Live and learn.
    Poor Pixie.
    Home is where the cat is...

  2. Hello Cloudia, lovely images and quotes. Reading your post make me smile. I hope Pixie is adjusting to her new home. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. Photo frogs and quotation beneath it is superb. Regards.

  4. wow, no thunder in hawaii! did not know that!

  5. I gain ten more years of life every time I visit here Cloudia, merci beaucoup :)

  6. Your posts always bring a smile and tranquil thoughts. Enjoy living in Marin County!

  7. Where there's thunder, there's got to be lightning. Did you see some spectacular bolts of lightning electrifying the sky yet? You will be able to get some stunning photos, I'm sure.

  8. Wise sayings. Pixie is going to have to get used to that!

  9. We had torrential rain all day yesterday, today was bright and sunny - go figure. xx

  10. I love the rose! Our dogs didn't like thunder either and let me tell you a German shepherd is too big to be a lap dog. :-)

  11. I'm with Pixie - I don't like thunder either!

  12. I'm a big lover of your comments!

  13. I wonder if the sound of lava erupting is like that of thunder.

  14. I did not know about the no thunder either. Glad you're in your new home. Beautiful photos, love the one of Pixie (hope she's out from under the bed by now) and the pretty green vase.

  15. How fun, I've been wondering about Pixie! She looks comfy at the moment, when you mention thunder, (which I didn't realize that you've been without it) goodness, my dog Misty begins her nervous dance even before the first thunder goes bang! She's very weather-wise apparently! This is going to be so fun sharing all your new stuff with us.


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