Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Takes Time

A  L  O  H  A !

" Nobody sees a flower
 - really -
 it is so small
 it takes time
 - we haven't time - 
and to see takes time,

 like to have a friend
 takes time. "
                 Georgia O'Keeffe

Thank YOU, Friend,
for Your Time!


  1. Time one of my greatest assets as it grows ti be less and less.

  2. Gorgeous shots and a great quote!

  3. I love the shot of the leaves! The dog is very cute, too. Have a wonderful day, friend.

  4. Yes indeed. Friends require an investment.

  5. Thanks friends I appreciate your comments! We will be back with live post and info on where I am and what I'm doing very soon.

  6. Take time to be a friend - good advice, Cloudia!

  7. Take all the time in the world over what you are doing!

    (I did pop in and comment on the important post; really? Really? After 30 years? Leaving friends behind and memories?)

    You are brave souls.

  8. So many of the best things take time. Time which is very well spent.

  9. We have the time, really, but choose not to see the flower. What a beautiful poem. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  10. Sweet photos, the dog takes my heart but I love them all, and those quotes.

  11. I always think that about people too, it takes time to get to know them and to breathe life into a friendship.

  12. When I was younger I wondered how so many people were able to make friends quickly. I thought there was something wrong with me. Don't think that anymore. :-)

  13. Time spent being a friend is always well spent. So is time being kind to others.

  14. Apa khanbar? Hope you are settling there well

  15. Oh gosh that pup looks very much like my dog Misty! Always know that you're a special friend, so happy we're all "friending" a long!


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