Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Two Stories to Every Side

A  L  O  H  A !
Fly Silly Sea Bird

" One doesn't discover 
new lands without 
consenting to lose sight 
of the shore for 
a very long time. "
                   Andre Gide

Golden Shores of the Recent Past
" No matter how obvious 
something may seem,
there are two sides 
to every story. "
                           Erin Bowman

" Life is tough, and 
if you have the ability 
to laugh at it you 
have the ability 
to enjoy it. "
                       Salma Hayek


Having a 
retired husband at home,
and that home being thousands of
miles, a time zone, and climate or
two away from "familiar"
is challenging.

On Oahu, I had decades-
long relationships with
trees, streets,
people, places
folkways and 
even potholes!

But here, I am a 
newbie, trying to discover
what to wear, what to eat,
where to walk.
But I am determined
to walk every day!

I have been so busy looking
and finding, that I have 
neglected my photography.
Though many small 
moments of beauty
abound in Marin
as in Honolulu.

On my walk,
there is a view of 
Mt. Tamalpais across the water
that I really MUST show you.
[If I can remember my camera!]

On my walk I see palms,
and Birds of Paradise,
and other Hawaii plants.
But it is cold. Though the geese
and ducks do not mind.
Seeing a pelican land on water
just a few yards away
is a comic experience.

I am enjoying Fall,
not dreading Winter,
and have just realized:
Spring Will Come!

And won't THAT be 

Thank YOU!
              Warmly, cloudia


  1. At LEAST two sides, and often more. Enjoy the new beauty around you. The photos can wait...

  2. i have no doubt it will take some time to feel like 'home' but you have a great attitude. :)

  3. You'll LOVE spring when it comes but I hope you will also feel joy during winter. I bet it seems strange to be experiencing the four seasons again!

  4. It's early days Cloudia :) I do hear you re the retired husband, took me a while to get used to P being home full time, especially as his job had him traveling so much. Thankfully he embraced all his hobbies, making music, carpentry and... golf! So it's almost as if he's still at work :)

  5. Having a great attitude and enjoying the process of adapting to new surroundings makes it easier. Life is lovely and can be enjoyable.

    Pelicans are funny - and graceful when they soar!

  6. 80 degrees here and humid, but a hard wind blowing bringing some cold. I'm ready.

  7. The winter's going to be tough, even a California coastal winter!

  8. Great to appreciate the seasons as they change from one to the other. Gives a sense of fulfillment to expectations!


  9. Sweet kitty! Thanks for your uplifting words. :)

  10. Love your stories about this side of the Pacific. Hope your camera starts clicking again soon!!!

  11. I feel like we're on a new adventure with you right now, and I long to see some of those picturesque sights! Especially the little stuff that lingers waiting to be noticed. A smile from a Bird of Paradise always, always makes my day!

  12. Nice you are enjoying these walks, it feels good to take it all in.

  13. As a side note, goodness I'm so happy hubby isn't retired yet, that would be too much together time for me. Hehehe! I've even taken on working again, and I'm loving it! Always new adventures keep us strong and growing!

  14. So many experiences to get accustomed to again - it will be warmer than here for you! What will pixie think of the cold? ;-))

  15. "One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." That is so true. Hard enough to deal with such a dramatic change as a young girl leaving England. I remember well how it was. Moving for the first half of our married life coninuously, I was always evolving. May your evolution be sweet my friend.

  16. Hello, your photos and quotes are always a treat. I hope you both adjust to the new place and climate. I hope it does not get too cold this winter. Enjoy your week!

  17. These comments bring me more comfort than you know! Thanks

  18. The birds of paradise in cool temps still astound me. Yet, neither the Mama nor me can get them to grow for us. I look forward to that photo of Mt. Tam. Hiking up it was the Husband's and my first adventure together many years ago.


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