Tuesday, February 2, 2016

From the Redwood Forrest

A  L  O  H  A !
Climb the mountains 

and get their good tidings.
                                                John Muir

" This is their temple, 
vaulted high,
      And here we pause 
with reverent eye,
      With silent tongue 
and awe-struck soul;
      For here we sense 
life’s proper goal. -

To be like these, 
straight, true and fine,
To make our world, 
like theirs, a shrine;

    Sink down, O traveler, 
on your knees,
      God stands before you 
in these trees. "
                           Joseph B. Strauss, 
                                                      “The Redwoods,” 1932


  1. If the entwives are anywhere, that is where they will be found...

  2. Magnificent forest Cloudia, reminds me our Karri forests down south in Pemberton .

  3. Yes indeed very beautiful shoots of the forest Cloudia!wish you the best day!

  4. Hello Cloudia, the redwoods are beautiful. Gorgeous trees and images. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  5. The redwoods are magnificent! Warmest wishes for a great day, Cloudia!

  6. I hope the woods have good tidings for me today

  7. Looks like you had a fun trip this weekend. I love all those trees.


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