Sunday, March 20, 2016

Probably a Stranger

A  L  O  H  A !
Marin CA Lady

“. . .sometimes one feels freer 
speaking to a stranger
than to people one knows. 
Why is that?"
“Probably because a stranger 
sees us the way 
we are, not as 
he wishes to 
think we are.” 
                       Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Honolulu Lady

“Beauty is not who 
you are on the outside, 
it is the wisdom and time 
you gave away to save 
another struggling soul, 
like you.” 

             Shannon L. Alder


Last week,
I saw the lady in the first photo
at Costco here in California.
"Ma`am, you look so nice with
the plant you have chosen;
May I take your picture?"

Honolulu Lady was photographed
in a store in Honolulu a while
back, with similar permission.
Both seem to convey
a lot about their area
while sharing a 
fundamental beauty!

Thank You


  1. I do love the way you think. And act.

  2. Good morning, Cloudia! They are both lovely ladies. Great shots, I love the quotes! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. They look like nice ladies! And great quotes!!

  4. Two super portrait shots Cloudia, I do have a tendency to chat to strangers often :)

  5. we've got a huge costco across from our university but I've never been in it yet.

  6. Lovely captures of these women. You have more guts than I do. I am so uncomfy asking people if I can photograph them. Usually.

  7. Yes, I am uncomfy asking people, but you are. Lovely.

  8. Lovely portraits of beautiful women. No doubt you made their day.

  9. Very cool blog post. I love their smiles!

  10. Wonderful post with two very sweet ladies.

  11. They both look like kind lovely people, Cloudia!

  12. I love spontaneous photos of people best...not for me the posed look.


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