Saturday, April 2, 2016

In Your Golden Eye

A  L  O  H  A !

 "I love the kind of hugs 
where you can physically 
feel the sadness 
leaving your body."
                           Charles M. Schulz  
                                       (via Snoopy)

 Water  Walker

"Take care of your body.  
It's the only place 
you have to live."
                           Jim Rohn

3 Little Ducks all in a Row

"Because your heart 
is so beautiful, 
everything looks 
beautiful to you."
                             Japanese proverb

Linking to

Glad to be linking
with YOU!
            Fondly, cloudia


  1. Excellent quotes and loved the pics too.

  2. I'm glad that you have all your ducks in a row

  3. Hello Cloudia! Beautiful duck and wonderful quotes. I love the Shultz quote. It is true, we have tp take care of our bodies, it is the only place we can live. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  4. Wise words - our body is indeed the place we dwell and we should find peace in there somewhere.

  5. Great photos of the Golden Eyes Cloudia and wise words indeed :)

  6. I love the Snoopy quote!! Today's post was really uplifting. The duck pics are so beautiful. Do you feed the ducks as payment for modeling for you?

  7. We put out a big dog dish of water by the sidewalk out front and lately wild mallard ducks have been drinking there and hanging around our lawn! This morning one was out the back sliding door on the lanai [deck]

    of course as you can see in my photos, their lagoon is just beyond my back fence


  8. Great capture of the duck walking on water and 3 ducks in a row. Lovely quotes too!

  9. Wonderful shots of the birds.

  10. Snoopy was so very right.
    And I do love ducks. Thank you.

  11. So stately they are! Beautiful plumage and exception eye color. You've captured them so well.

    Thank you so very much for sharing and adding your link for us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend. Your participation is always appreciate.

  12. *appreciate should be appreciated. Sorry.

  13. It's a wonderful life! Love seeing your cute critters playing!


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