Monday, July 11, 2016

Let's Keep Dancing

A  L  O  H  A !
Novato California

“And we 
danced, on the brink 
of an unknown future, 
to an echo from 
a vanished past.”  
                                John Wyndham

Novato California

“The significance 
is hiding in the
       Appreciate everything.”     
                   Eckhart Tolle

Novato Duck

"How do geese know 
when to fly to the sun? 
Who tells them the seasons? 
How do we, humans 
know when it is 
time to move on? 
As with the migrant birds, 
so surely with us, 
there is a voice within 
if only we would listen
 to it, that tells us
 certainly when to
 go forth into 
the unknown."  
                   Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

"I'm a DUCK!" quacks the duck above

Linking to

Thank You
               Warmly, cloudia


  1. Mr. Quackers (A toy duck), sezzzzzzzzz.....well, he do 'squeak' rather than 'quack.'

    I'm just surfin' but MAN O DAY I doooooooooooooo plan on dancing my old, ape ass off this Wednesday.

  2. Dance like people approve of your dancing..

  3. Dance is a joyful, expressive act. So is singing.

  4. Novato California looking good 😃

  5. Hello, beautiful images from California. I love the first sky shot. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  6. That mural is awesome! I love the Novato duck, but my favorite pic of the day is still the sky shot. It is stunning.

  7. I love that mosaic, Cloudia! ;-)

  8. The colour of that second shot's stunning, Cloudia.

  9. Oh, yeh, a mosaic mural. Is it placed in a tympanium? Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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