Wednesday, September 28, 2016


A  L  O  H  A !
"We can travel a long way 
and do many things, but 
our deepest happiness is 
not born from accumulating 
new experiences. - 

- It is 
born from letting g
of what is unnecessary,

Dawn In Marin County

- and knowing ourselves to 
be always at home."
               Sharon Salzberg

Linking to

Oh how nice
to begin to feel
At  Home.

A new place
is a blank place.

All one's memories
seem left behind.

On a foggy rainy last
November 1st night
we landed here from
Hawaii heat & sun.

Now I know the birds,
and have met in books
the pioneers who gave
this place it's street names
and history.

Miwok, Spanish,
New Englanders;
From Switzerland,
and the Azores
they came.
Now I'm here too,
as Place & I
affect each other.

Wine is ripening on the vines.
Roses bloom in my garden.

This may just work out.

What am I talking about?!
Welcome to my Home.

Another Beautiful Day in Marin!


Thank YOU
                      Fondly, cloudia


  1. Beautiful images, welcome home Cloudia!

  2. I am so glad that your heart and your home have reconciled.

  3. Love the way the bird lifts his paw.

  4. Hello, I am so happy your at feeling at home in Marin. Love the bird and sky photos. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  5. I love the way you welcome and embrace every new step in your lives, and Pixie gets to enjoy your enthusiasm also ☺
    P.s. I enjoyed your comment on my post today, it's exactly how I felt about the small country cemetery!

  6. Home is where the heart is! So glad you're feeling at home.

  7. Hello Cloudia!:) Home is where the heart is! Love your bird and sky photos.

  8. I'm glad that you have found home, Cloudia!

  9. Your comments today have really brought a tear. Each of you is so appreciated <3
    Thanks Much


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