Thursday, September 1, 2016

Light Play

A  L  O  H  A !

“Normal people don’t know how 

lucky—how blessed—they are.” 
                    Darren Shan

“We are lucky because 
we still have a 
magnificent temple called 
nature where we can 
find peace of mind!” 
                 Mehmet Murat ildan

Intimations of October

"This was one of those perfect 
New England days in late summer 
where the spirit of autumn takes 
a first stealing flight, like a spy, 
through the ripening country-side, "
                           Sarah Orne Jewett

Linking to


Thank You
                   Warmly, cloudia


  1. Hello, gorgeous lighting and images. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Are you officially in autumn yet Cloudia, first day of spring for us.. that's a spectacular autumn colour tree you show us here!
    P.s. missed you 😊

  3. Is that first guy the proverbial 'lucky duck'?

  4. The tree WAS shot last year in Calif when we visited. They are not Autumnal yet - but my first "all the way thru" Fall is clearly in the air here in N. Calif where it seems I am really living!

    Thanks for these fun comments - more than fun. You touch my heart. Thanks, Pals

  5. Love the duck behind the fence ~ lovely quotes too~

    Wishing you a happy weekend ^_^

  6. that tree looks like a tall feather fan!

  7. Fall is in the air... :) School is starting up again. Enjoy your four seasons!

  8. I feel cheered by these pics today, Cloudia! ;-)

  9. Cute little duck seen by that fence.
    Oh that Autumn scene is so beautiful.
    Enjoyed your quotes, fall is my favorite season.


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