Thursday, January 26, 2017

Happy Restorers of the World

A  L  O  H  A !
N. Calif. Cloud Castle
"Education is the ability to 
listen to almost anything 
without losing your temper 
or your self confidence." 
                          Robert Frost

  "We need enthusiasm, 
imagination, and the 
ability to face facts, 
even unpleasant ones." 
            Franklin Roosevelt

Life dances 
All around us.
Celebrate That!

Winter Comforts
"The relationship that solves 
your problems is the 
relationship you have 
with yourself." 
     Diane Von Furstenberg

Linking to 
Global SkyWatch

At eventide
go inside and rest.

Restore your soul
as you repair
The World.

"The evil of the Day
is sufficient thereto."

But that day should contain
Clear Thought,
Kindness Above All.

Even to Yourself.

Call your elected servants.
Tell them what concerns you.
Visit, smile, bring donuts;
Be yourself. Calm down.

Make friends with the staff.
Be friendly and relaxed,
and have a sentence ready
that expresses your concern.

Don't linger too long.
But come back 
in 3 weeks.
Leave a brief,
clear action letter
for their boss.
[Here is my concern and
proposed actions I'd like 
to see happen.]

Don't be surprised
if you find yourself
sitting with your
Mayor, Congressman,
and they ask for 
your view!

Email testimony about a 
statewide or local concern.
Share your opinion,
your values.
Find like-minded
Seek organizations
doing work you
believe in and 
get on their email.

Why not run
for the school board
or Town Council?

We retired folks have 
seen much come and  go.

Though we remain involved
it is everyone's duty now
to come to the aid
of What Is Right.

There is urgency, 
but no
Hurry & Worry.
We will pull through
We are happy warriors
making friends as we go!

So as evening rolls in,
even Winter's early eve,
rest, restore, and revel
in this moment!

I love each of You
who visit.

Thank You,
Your Friend,


  1. I like that castle cloud and the streched Pixie, taking a heat bath.

  2. I like winter facilities. I embrace.

  3. J'adore your words of wisdom Cloudia, wise words of peace, calm and intelligent discussion. Communication is a powerful medium.

  4. Wow, thanks for these comments Friends!

  5. Excellent post, absorbing it all, and will hold the thought of Miss Pixie being wowed by comfort!

  6. I like your wisdom and common sense, Cloudia! Older pelple should not take themselves out of involvement with life.. Nor should self-induklgent, noninvolved young either.

  7. I noticed Frost said 'almost'. Case in point. The above post. I went to the site. He's a far right extremist nazi. A first class nut job.

  8. Didn't mean to say that even older folk are exempt from civic duty. Thanks for the wonderful engagement, 'Evil'

    Mike is referring to a spam comment I have removed.


  9. Great post!! I love your advice, and the cloud pictures are marvelous. I would support Pixie for President right about now.

  10. Pixie has the right idea about how to get through the winter!

    That spammer you deleted struck elsewhere earlier. He's also been deleted by the other blogger. He's been doing that for years.

  11. Clouds build dreams but wise woods help too.

  12. A perfect post for the times, Cloudia!
    If we get snow I will show you the lantern! ;-)

  13. Oh, I so love your clouds...clouds such as those always thrill me beyond believe. Those are glorious shots.

  14. Great advise. Communications is how we the people changed the SF public schools.

  15. Beautiful photos, and thanks for your words of advice and encouragement! You are very wise.

  16. Thanks friends. I love your comments

  17. Hi Cloudia, I popped in here from Skywatch Friday. Love the sky images and quotes. And I LOVE the cat by the fireside. Have a great day. Jo (South Africa)

  18. In the last photograph it does look like the clouds are dancing. Have a wonderful week-end.

  19. Hello, beautiful skies and cloud captures. Thanks for sharing your wise words and advice.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!


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