Monday, April 10, 2017

How To Be In a Good Mood

A  L  O  H  A !

“If you're in bad mood, 
take a deep breath.
If you're in good mood, 
give thanks to God.” 
                        Toba Beta

Mural Detail: Miwok Spirits Link
“And above all, watch 
with glittering eyes 
the whole world 
around you because 
the greatest secrets are 
always hidden in the 
most unlikely places. -

Olompali - Miwok Land
-Those who don't believe 
in magic will never find it.” 
                Roald Dahl
[hint: left side]
Olompali Link

“The memory has as 
many moods as the temper, 
and shifts its scenery 
like a diorama.” 
             George Eliot

Linking to

“If life throws you 
a few bad notes or 
vibrations, don't let them 
interrupt or alter your song.” 
                  Suzy Kassem
Thank You
          Fondly, cloudia


  1. If I am in a bad mood, I go outside. Or pat a cat. Or read a book. Or drink chai. My memory is shot, and it is difficult to stay in a bad mood if I can't remember why. A win.

  2. Hello, love the pretty mural! Wonderful wise words and quotes. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  3. the greatest secrets are
    always hidden in the
    most unlikely places.

    That's very true. Otherwise it'll be teeming with lots of open secrets and none are secrets anymore!


  4. THANKS for Your comments Dear Friends <3

  5. Isn't it true?
    We had temps of 20 C. yesterday, and today. It's not normal for April. But I DID breathe deeply!!!! hugs!

  6. Wonderful photos and quotes too.

  7. Your comments are VERY much appreciated, dears

  8. Wonderful Rancho Olompali mural! It almost feels as if I am there, bathed in a golden light!

  9. I like trying to figure out magic even if I'm not good at it.

  10. The quote spoke to me today, dear Cloudia!

  11. Lovely colours in the mural and stunning skies in the last scene.

  12. These images in pictures and words are wonderful

  13. Great pictures! I love today's quotes, too. Happy Monday (almost over, but...)

  14. Fun shots! The George Elliot quote is intriguing.

  15. Surely after anyone reads this post, they will be happy!

  16. Love the ghost dancer. Amazingly there are still Miwok and Ohlone people in the area. Saw Miwok dancers a few years ago at the Oakland Museum. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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