Sunday, August 13, 2017

A L O H A !

"Nature is an angel's 
favorite hiding place. "
    Terri Guillemets

“. . .She finds an innocuous corner in 
which to spin her web. 
The longer the web takes, the 
more fabulous its construction. 
She has no need to chase. 
She sits quietly, her patience a
consummate force; she waits. . .” 
     Donna Lynn Hope

Oh Go Ahead! Click On THIS One
"Patience isn't a virtue; 
it's a necessity."
       Lou Holtz

"What people in the 
world think of you is really 
none of your business."
            Martha Graham

Just love others and 
you will worry less about 
what they think of you. 

Today's post is all about 
the inner truths of ALOHA.
It is a way of life - 
not a mere greeting


Thank YOU


  1. That is a truly spectacular window. Love the spider and spider architecture too. And nature. In all her complexity.

  2. "What people in the
    world think of you is really
    none of your business."
    Martha Graham

    I have heard both Joyce Meyer and RuPaul say this same thing, now Martha Graham. I wonder where it came from! It sounds like something wise grandmothers have said for centuries.

    Have a peaceful day today, Cloudia.

  3. You are visits and comments mean the world to me. Thanks each of you so much

  4. Thanks for defining the aloha lifestyle!! Love that stained glass window.

  5. Love the little spider photo and great quotes ~ other lovely photos too ~ ^_^

  6. Where is that rose window from? It's amazing and serene.

  7. A few weeks ago I had a spider spinning a web at night against the glass of my storm door. It was there every night for about a week but gone, web and all, in the morning. It was fun watching it capturing and wrapping its prey.

  8. Thank you for the insights

  9. St. Peter & Paul, North Beach, San Francisco


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