Saturday, October 7, 2017

Lagoon Birds

A  L  O  H  A !
 “When despair for the world
 grows in me, - I go 
and lie down where 
the wood drake rests in
 his beauty on the water, 
and the great heron feeds.

- I come into the peace of 
wild things who do not tax 
their lives with forethought 
or grief. I come into the 
presence of still water. -

- And I feel above me 
the day-blind stars 
waiting with their 
light. -

- For a time I 
rest in the grace 
of the world, 
and am free.”
             Wendell Berry 

Linking to

Thank YOU
              Warmly, cloudia


  1. Wendell Berry said what I feel. Much better than I can.

  2. What a beautiful poetry and pictures to match! I feel the same peace when I'm among the wild things.

  3. I think, if we weren't anticipating rain, I would go to the lake!

  4. Hello, Cloudia! I enjoyed your post and quotes too. Your birds today are all beautiful.

    Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  5. Such a beautiful quote...reminds us all to find that peacefulness! Lovely shots of the birds.

  6. I see Pixie is going to have a look at the flying lunches.

  7. Great photos of the shorebirds!
    I wonder, does the cat think he can catch one!
    Our cat was up in our apple tree this morning, watching the birds at the feeders. But he is much too lazy to expend the energy needed to catch one. And the birds are used to seeing him, and keep a wary eye on him.
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  8. " stars waiting with their light."

    Or an eclipse.

  9. Today's quoted passage is wonderful!! Great pictures, too.

  10. As always your participation and linking up at I'd Rather B Birdin' is very much aporeciated! Thanks.

    Beautiful post & GREAT photos.


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