Saturday, November 25, 2017

BE the Calm Lagoon

A  L  O  H  A !
“You don’t need to be 
the tide to rise and fall, 
you don’t have to be a 
wave to touch the shore; 
just be a little sand-grain 
and feel them all” 
                      Munia Khan

“Be calm...
calm as a calm lagoon, 
then you will look beautiful 
as a beautiful calm lagoon 
crowned by the Moon and sheltered
 by the brilliance of the stars 
reclaiming your royalty 
of regal life...” 
                 Oksana Rus

"You don’t have to 
control your thoughts. 
You just have to 
stop letting them 
control you."     
Dan Millman

"Keep calm and 
keep learning. "
        Lailah Gifty Akita

Linking to


Thank YOU
              Warmly, cloudia


  1. My thoughts not controlling me or me controlling them is called a nap.

    The Thai old man would know.

  2. Awesome pictures! I love the mosaic and what you did with the color filters. The quotes today are wonderful, too.

  3. Today is the day to cultivate that inner peace and calmness. Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures, Cloudia!

  4. these are all good words and if followed can give us peace. my problem is, I can't be a calm lagoon, I am more like a roaring wave like the big ones in Hawaii...

  5. Hello, great capture of the Cormorant. Looks like he is leading an orchestra. Pretty fall colors and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I also appreciate your comment on my blog. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. You always capture the best colors.

  7. was just reading an article about why its so hard to control one's thoughts. It was arguing that consciousness doesn't direct our minds but only arises from them. I don't completely agree but there is likely to be some truth in it

  8. Thanks for these great comments, friends

  9. Love that reflection. And the sky. And the quotes.

  10. What a tree in the first pic! Love the quotes today too, Cloudia!

  11. Your quotes always help me think.

  12. The first photo with its quote is my favorite today!
    Have a beautiful day!

  13. FABULOUS reflection of the cormorant!!

    Thanks for linking in with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend!


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