Thursday, December 14, 2017

Game Park of Exotic Ideas

A  L  O  H  A !
May love and peace
spread and heal.
May it start with a
quiet joy you
allow yourself to feel.

Ah, the simple joys of life;
Hot shower, cold beer, 
and warm welcome.
How can every day 
be routine, yet 
uniquely wonderful?

 There is a world of difference 
between acknowledging aging 
and surrendering to  it.

Today, I'm giving my 
quote collection a rest.
Today's three captions
are my own thoughts
as are the photos.
Hope you enjoy them!

Linking to

Thank YOU
               Warmly, cloudia


  1. Great comments and thoughts today. Beautiful pictures, too. I love the feathery clouds.

  2. Hello, lovely thoughts and photos. You know I love the Egret. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. Hot showers are where it's at. I could stay in one forever.

  4. I love your thoughts! A nice cold beer with friends - perfect! ;-))

  5. I am so very grateful for your upbeat and beautiful posts. And love the Cloudia quotes.

  6. Your photos always inspire warm and peaceful feelings. This post is no exception. Thank you for linking up today and have a great weekend.

  7. The egret strutting their stuff is my favourite.

  8. so zen both your thoughts as well as images.


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