Saturday, December 2, 2017

Hawaii Photo of the Day

A  L  O  H  A !

Everywhere we walk in Waikiki 
there are flowers, smiles, hidden patches of green, and quiet gardens to discover. Blossoms drift down on the trade wind breezes, I call it Hawaiian Snow; beguiling to the eye. Thought's train pulls once again into a beautifully peaceful station. . . The song of birds plays filigree, an arabesque, a siren's call. . . All punctuated by the normal sounds of today, rolling in from the boulevard. But look! Around this corner is a trio of living treasure; their music acoustic, burnished, simple, & true. . . . . . so linger beneath the tropical Christmas tree, as Palm looks on bemused, chuckling softly to herself, and dances . . . dances an unconscious hula of her own . . . . .
                              A L O H A! Cloudia


  1. No grass skirt hula, but just as a classic Hawaiian dancer as any!


  2. Grass skirts are from the Gilbert islands and are not a traditional part of Hula. Though they were popular in 20th century modernized hula shows and movies. Thanks Friends!

  3. Beautiful! Love how you captured the motion without the shot getting fuzzy.

  4. You never know what treasure you will discover just around the corner 😊


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