Monday, April 10, 2017

How To Be In a Good Mood

A  L  O  H  A !

“If you're in bad mood, 
take a deep breath.
If you're in good mood, 
give thanks to God.” 
                        Toba Beta

Mural Detail: Miwok Spirits Link
“And above all, watch 
with glittering eyes 
the whole world 
around you because 
the greatest secrets are 
always hidden in the 
most unlikely places. -

Olompali - Miwok Land
-Those who don't believe 
in magic will never find it.” 
                Roald Dahl
[hint: left side]
Olompali Link

“The memory has as 
many moods as the temper, 
and shifts its scenery 
like a diorama.” 
             George Eliot

Linking to

“If life throws you 
a few bad notes or 
vibrations, don't let them 
interrupt or alter your song.” 
                  Suzy Kassem
Thank You
          Fondly, cloudia