Friday, January 5, 2018

Earthquake Country

A  L  O  H  A !
My First CA Earthquake
"Do not wait; the time 
will never be 'just right.' 
Start where you stand, 
and work with whatever 
tools you may have at 
your command, and better 
tools will be found 
as you go along." 
            George Herbert

'Sense of Place: Mt. Olompali & Novato CA Buildings

"The Sun does not realize 
how wonderful it is until 
after a room is made."
                Louis Kahn, architect 

"In the early morning hours 
of April 18, 1906, San Franciscans 
were shaken awake by an earthquake. 
The magnitude 7.8 temblor was 
centered just off the coast of 
the Golden Gate and felt from 
Los Angeles to Oregon, and inland 
as far as Nevada."

Earthquake survivor Bill Bon Barton 
said that the night before the quake 
he, "Kissed my mother good night 
and she said, 'Be sure you say 
your prayers before you go to bed.' 
Little did I know, at that moment, that 
I would never see my family again."

“Where the bright seraphim 
in burning row
Their loud uplifted 
angel trumpets blow.” 
             John Milton

Quake Info:


My first California earthquake (a4.4) began at 2:39 a.m. Thursday Jan 4 local time.

Sleeping soundly, I awoke any what I thought was
someone was shaking the bed
to waken me. "Honey?" No Answer.
I felt around. Had Pixie jumped on
the bed? No. So I went back to sleep.

Back in the mid-80's my Kona 
coffee shack had danced on it's
poles in a 5.5. I'll tell you about the hurricanes, lava, and tsunamis sometime.

You know, something like this
makes me look around at my
functioning house, and peaceful
neighborhood, and sigh:
"Thank YOU!"

Normal days are inestimable

Thank YOU
            Fondly, cloudia


  1. Hello, I am glad you are OK after the earthquake. Pretty skies and images.

    Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Scary things! Glad you are okay!

  3. Enough to wake you up. We had a 5+ some years back here. It was enough to feel the rumble and do some superficial damage.

  4. Glad it was just a small one and that you are safe and well.

  5. 4.4 is just enough to be fun.

  6. We complain about our weather here in the UK but we are very lucky not to experience earthquakes. Glad you are ok.

  7. Frightening! But happy you are fine and able to tell us about it!
    I love that first quote about not waiting for the time will never be right. Oh I need to hear that!

  8. I hope you will be spared further quakes, Cloudia!


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