Tuesday, April 17, 2018

At Times I Am

A  L  O  H  A !
"Keep calm and 
keep learning."  
             Lailah Gifty Akita

 "You cannot truly listen to 
anyone and do anything 
else at the same time."
                   M. Scott Peck

"At times I think and 
at times I am."
        Paul Valery

Linking to:
Our World Tuesday


Thank YOU
             Fondly, cloudia


  1. Love those emerald eyes.
    Listening is a severely underrated gift.

  2. Thanks, Dears. That is Boat Kitty who lived with us on our boat in Waikiki for many years

  3. Great close up of Miss Kitty. The shots of that doll in the grocery cart are really good, full of pathos.

  4. Thank You William.
    Thank YOU, T for your always sensitive remarks I cherish so much! [and for remembering Miss Boat Kitty's many names ;)

  5. Sometimes it's hard to keep calm when you're learning things the hard way.

  6. A pretty kitty for sure. I like that Peck quote, Cloudia!
    I know of a few old hippies who bought in the 70s and are now in neighborhoods where the neighbors are all doctors & lawyers and their old house is worth millions. If only I had money back then!

  7. That cat has such an expressive face!

  8. Boat Kitty is beautiful, Cloudia, and I like the quotations. However, I am ambivalent about the oldfashioned doll lying naked in the grocery buggy. Something about it...but maybe that's just me...I'm so old I had dolls like that when I was a child, so perhaps long-forgotten memories are stirring.
    We can always count on you for an interesting and unusual blog post, however!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  9. Great quotes and a lovely shot of the cat.

  10. Thanks for your thoughtful comments I enjoy so much!


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