Friday, April 20, 2018

Celebrate Green

A  L  O  H  A !
Today, we celebrate 
As this Kolea does

Though not the tropical greens
and broad lawns of Waikiki.

 Today, 420 Day, we celebrate Cannabis 
in all it's wonder: Medicinal, creative, 
nourishing, religious. 

In several US States, it is legal
under State law for medicine,
or altogether legal for adults.
The US Justice Dept. has pulled
back on plans to interfere
with those states.

Some who persecuted
cannabis users for decades,
with passion, ruining many lives,
are now positioned to make 
huge fortunes for themselves.

California to her credit,
has begun expunging
the arrest records of those
convicted of what is now
legal (and profitable for
entrepreneur and tax man.)

So Keep Your Head
To The Skies, link
Wear your love
like Heaven, link
and Let your 
Freak Flag Fly.

Smoke / Vape / Eat
Them if you got them!

Thank YOU


  1. I am not familiar with Cannabis plant because it is banned here. I like the header of your blog!

  2. It is, under extremely limited circumstances, legal for medical use here. And any further legalisation is a long, long way off. Alcohol and tobacco remain legal.

  3. Hello, pretty greens, love the bird. I think Maryland has allowed medical use also. I think all the states could make a lot of tax money on cannabis. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. Hahah! I forgot what day it was.

    Eat them? Do they go in salad? I've heard of the brownies.

  5. It is to become legal in Canada this summer!

  6. Each of you is such a pleasure when you comment here with us <3


  7. I was shocked to learn that SC won't even let it happen as even medicine.

  8. Thank you for sharing the other side of the Cannabis story Cloudia. For so many who suffer with never ending pain I know they are grateful for it.

  9. I wouldn't use it, but I don't think it should be illegal.

  10. I'm not sure if medical is OK here or not. Would never use it. I can't stand the smell.

  11. Thanks each of you for these contributions to the conversation. Your thoughts and feelings matter here!

  12. John Boehner is now a pro-cannibis lobbyist, and Chuck Schumer introduced a bill to make pot legal on the federal level today. The world is going green in more ways than one...

  13. Go green to preserve mental hygiene!


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