Monday, May 21, 2018

Storms Hope Solitude

A  L  O  H  A !
Mural Detail: Polynesian Voyagers approaching volcanic

"Storms draw something out
of us that calm seas don't."

                       Bill Hybels

"You can't live on Hope alone, 
but you can't live without it." 

                          Harvey Milk

"There are voices which we hear
in solitude but they grow faint 
and inaudible as we 
enter into the world."

             Ralph Waldo Emerson

Linking to
Monday Murals


Thank YOU
                Fondly, cloudia


  1. Who would have thought that storms, hope and solitude belong together...?

  2. That mural is very current at the moment.

  3. How old is the mural? Seems oddly fitting for today!

  4. Hello, great quotes and images. Have a happy day and new week!

  5. I love you, my friends! The mural is at the Hawaii Convention center in Honolulu and was opened in 1998. Kilauea has been constantly erupting for around 30 years now. I have witnessed the lava hissing into the ocean waves, and wrote about that in my Hawaii Book; But this episode is the most active in my times!

    Thanks for visiting!

  6. Nice mural! And i like all three quotes. But I was thinking that, yes, storms draw something out of me that calm seas don't: sheer terror and a desperate need to hide under the covers! ;)

  7. A very actual mural Cloudia.
    Hope you and your family are well, it all looks very scary from what I see on the news here.

  8. Storms challenge us, I think. And our biology rises to the occasion

  9. Wonderful comments, thanks! 3 family members are out of their homes on the Big Island as a precaution. A very fluid situation! Thank s for your good wishes and visits

  10. I love the pictures today! My favorite is the one of the men playing cards in Chinatown. Great quotes, too.

  11. Hope your family finds an intact home on return...

  12. I love the old guys playing cards! It is such a common sight to see old guys gathered playing something or just talking! I love it when I see them. Great quotes, Cloudia! ;-)

  13. Your posts are always interesting! "You can't live on Hope alone,
    but you can't live without it." True.

  14. My friend and I were waiting for the elevator down to the parking at Portsmouth Square, San Francisco chinatown's living room. I saw this group of men playing cards and permitted myself only one shot. So glad it worked out


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