Saturday, July 14, 2018

Hawaii Photo of the Day

 A  L O  H  A !


  1. Terrific takes, especially the last one.

  2. Thanks, Man. Every evening I would walk up Waikiki enjoying the tourists excitement and the wonderful skies, scents, feeding sea turtles in the shallows, Palms, sighs, sails illuminated in the golden hour..... Then walk home to my boat. Seemed like it would never end. Moved to an apt, still walked the same beach every day.... Now I'm in the gorgeous North Bay of the SF Bay Area wondering if it was a dream... till I return to visits, and one day to live my last days. Now back to the Calif adventure! 30 years in Hawaii, 2 here......

  3. Boots on the beach!! The second picture is amazing!!

  4. It still claims a home in your heart...

  5. An art school girl of doom goes to the beach...


  6. I love the photo of the girls look outward! Great capture.


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