Sunday, September 9, 2018

New Light 🏆

A  L  O  H  A !

"When you understand that 
your feelings are triggered by 
what you think about an event 
and not by the event itself, 
you gain a measure of control. 
 A change in thoughts often 
radically alters your feelings."
         Julie A., M.A. Ross & Judy Corcoran

“An invitation of a beautiful street is 
an invitation to walk within a dream!” 
        Mehmet Murat ildan

“A writer should be able to 
open a window or two 
and prompt others to see 
the world and themselves
 in a new light. 
Anything less is just 
self–indulgence. . . ” 
        Barista Uno Link

Linking to
Monday Murals

Thank YOU
                Warmly, cloudia

Back in the day.
Glad I got to be involved
in some worthwhile things!


  1. I am quite certain you are STILL involved in worthwhile things. Not least sharing beauty, whimsy and wisdom. World-wide.

  2. Keep commenting in my blog because I love your comments.

  3. Hello, lovely images. It is good to be involved. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  4. Aloha Cloudia, I spy Santa! Inspiring quotes and the beach view still lingers, lovely.

  5. Santa lurking yes! Gosh I love each of you friends!

  6. Like not thinking about the event. Although sometimes that's very hard.

  7. Love the images today dear Cloudia!

  8. It's not always easy for sure! That's why we persevere and support one another like this, dear Mike.
    Adore you and your shot today, Pat!

  9. Wonderful that you are involved in something that is so important.
    Thanks for participating Cloudia.


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