Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hawaii Photo of the Day 🌈

  A  L  O  H  A !


  1. That shot of Pixie is stupendous. The sky shot is good, too, but it lacks Pixie's warm and fuzzy cuteness.

  2. Hello, great sky captures. Pixie is so cute! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. Thank you for your recent visit to my blog; I followed your comment here and I am have enjoyed scrolling through your last few posts. In these current times, I was particularly struck by this quote: "A dark cloud is no sign that the sun has lost his light. . . are no arguments that God has laid aside His mercy." THANK YOU!

  4. Aloha Cloudia. Incroyable sky 💛 Pixie having a bath, j'adore ✨


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