Sunday, March 17, 2019

Just Light And It's Absence

A  L  O  H  A !

"Turn your face to the sun and 
the shadows fall behind you.” 
Maori proverb

Not with effort,
But with pleasure!
Persist on to the rewards
As you make it your habit
To be happily expectant.

Let shadows fall behind.
What shadows?
Merely light
And it’s absence.

Always Bring The Light!

Linking To


Thank YOU
              Fondly, cloudia


  1. Awe, loving your creative shots here and of course your wise wonderful quotes. I'm just now going to head over to write a post for Saturday's Critters! I get a weekend off and there's so much to do and so little time to do it! Thank goodness for that right. I always have to laugh and (feel a bit sad too) when I hear a youngster say, I'm bored what can I do? Yikes!

  2. Love every shot Cloudia, am definitely a member of the UB Happy club 😊

  3. If I turn my face to the sun I'd better be wearing sunscreen said my dermatologist.

    One supreme reality, heaven. That's Sikh.

  4. Aloha Cloudia, this is such a stunning and peaceful view perfect for a romantic stroll!

  5. Light and the absence of light, all in one photo---impressive!


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