Wednesday, April 3, 2019


A  L  O  H  A !
Mt. Tamalpais Link

“One soft humid early spring morning 
driving a winding road across 
Mount Tamalpais, the 2,500-foot mountain 
just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, 
a bend reveals a sudden vision 
of San Francisco in shades of blue, 
\a city in a dream, and I was filled 
with a tremendous yearning 
to live in that place of blue 
hills and blue buildings. . .” 
Rebecca Solnit

"Every positive thought
is a silent prayer
which will
change your life."
      Bryant McGill

"Give whatever you are doing 
and whoever you are with 
the gift of your attention."
               Jim Rohn

Linking To

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Thank YOU
            Fondly, cloudia


  1. Hooray for positive thoughts - and for positive people.

  2. The first photo and quote are my favorites today!
    Hope you are having a great week!

  3. Super positive as always, looooove the last quote and image ✨

  4. That shot of the bird is amazing.

  5. Positive thoughts... ah yes!

  6. Great photo and the quote is so true. I'm so glad you linked up at My Corner of the World!


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