Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Don't Short Your Strengths

A  L  O  H  A !

In evaluating ourselves, we tend to be long on our weaknesses and short on our strengths.
                          Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Memories are truths we have chosen.” 
                      C.E. O'Grady

we can share
our solitude


“Self is a sea boundless and measureless.” 
            Kahlil Gibran

Love Ya!


  1. Beautiful happy Hawaiian images and a very happy Pixie luxuriating in the warm sunlight 💛

  2. Gorgeous pictures! How does Pixie like being back in Hawaii?

  3. We are hard on ourselves. Hi Pixie!

  4. Yay for the beautiful Pixie.
    And I plead guilty to focusing on my many weaknesses.

  5. Aloha Cloudia, I could wander about your second photo forever, what a view, and of course hello sweet Pixie are you happy to be back home again?

  6. Pixie is happy back home and so are we! Let's all start appreciating our strengths! You are able to share what everyone is looking for: genuine, easy, warmth!

    Love you guyz! <3

  7. Kitty must be happy to be back in Hawaii.


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