Monday, June 24, 2019

Honolulu New, Old, Forever

A  L  O  H  A !
Bless the people
who acquire and use
real practical skills
to build and keep
our society running!

Oahu has always been
"The Gathering Place"
Since Monarchy days.
Always changing,
always thronged with
both native born,
and visitor.
Crossroads of the Pacific!

We have urban Honolulu.
We also have farms and ranches.

We live close with our
history and island ethos.
The way we treat one another
is the real pull.
No place is like this place.
This is the place,
my place.

Linking To
Our World Tuesday



  1. Hello,

    Lovely collection of images. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  2. Such a happy post Cloudia, you are one happy gal I can tell 😉 Unfortunately the 'frill' on top of the old Palace Hotel is permanent, don't know who came up with that not such a good idea.

  3. Cool pictures. I really like that building!

  4. That is one heck of a long union name. Good thing they don't do anything else. There wouldn't be any room to put it on the shirt.

    Quad Not Equal Down Shoe Stile - You would have thought that I'd have seen quad not equal before. But no.

  5. I am so very happy you are home. Where you heart has been for years.

  6. I'm glad that you are home, Cloudia!

  7. I've enjoyed visiting Hawaii several times. The most memorable was when we rented an airplane in Honolulu then flew to the Big Island for the night, discovered Akaka Falls from the air and landed on Molokai. - Margy

  8. I love the tee-shirt; bananas, looks plenty.


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