Monday, August 19, 2019

Capacity To Care

A  L  O  H  A !
 Click on Photo to Enlarge

Practice kindness all day
to everybody and
you will realize 
you’re already in 
heaven now.
            Jack Kerouac

 The most potent muse of all 
is our own inner child. 
           Stephen Nachmanovitch

The capacity to care
is what gives life it's
deepest significance. 
                    Pablo Casals

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So Happy YOU came by!


  1. My inner child is frequently the healthiest and happiest part of me.

  2. My inner child is running free and at times wild............ Beautiful post.

  3. The second and third photos do not look like anywhere I know of in Hawaii. Could you say where you took them? Very interesting.

    best... mae at

  4. Who is that statue? I want to guess King Komayamaya because it's Hawaii, but he looks not quite like him, just kind of...

  5. You are finding the most appropriate quotes for these times, Cloudia!

  6. Stunning mural, and I felt it depicted Hawaii. However, the other one was more graphic. The statue was a great find and well coupled with your quotes.

  7. Great quotes, but specially love the "kindness" quote.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  8. Fabulous first quote and mural Cloudia, there's no such thing as too much kindness 🌺


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