Saturday, August 24, 2019

Everything Nothing

A  L  O  H  A !
My hopes are not always realized, 
but I always hope.

Willpower is just another name for 
the idea of choosing long-term outcomes 
rather than short-term ones.”
            António R. Damásio

Everything changes
nothing is lost.

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  1. Cool pictures. I love the mountains and the bird.

  2. The little bird looks like he pulled on a pair of red slippers! :)

  3. Those pics and words are amazing ☺

  4. Lovely Blog..Lovely Read...

    "Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace".
    Paul Theroux..

    "The Hula is the heartbeat of the Hawaiian People".
    David Kalakaua..

    "Hawaiian music is the roots for the Hawaiian people.
    It tells the history of where we came from. Not having
    Hawaiian music in your life would be like losing half of
    my body--- because Hawaiianmusic helps me to be a better
    Kevin Brown..

    "After all, Hawaii is the best land".(O Hawaii no ka aina maikai)
    Hawaiian Proverb..

  5. Hope and a sense of humour will get us through most things life throws at us 😊

  6. Hello, Cloudia

    Yes, we always have HOPE! Lovely series of photos! Thank you for linking up! Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  7. Beautiful photos! Love that neat bird! Enjoy your weekend!


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