Saturday, August 10, 2019

Inner Conversations

A  L  O  H  A !
Morning to Night,
Then In Our Dreams,
A Narrative unfolds.

We not only Narrate,
But we Create

For what we Believe
is manifested
in our behaviour, and
in our interpretations
of the behaviour of others.

Ultimately in the world 
around us.

Our inner conversation
goes on and on.

Meditation ignores,
but does not end, 
the conversation.

What are YOU
saying inwardly?

What is the flavor
of your interpretation?

As You Think
So Are You,
And Such Is
Your World.

All around us we see
the choices made:
Fear, Power, Distrust-
Love, Mutuality-
Hope, Despair-
Faith, Cynicism.

Choose this day.
Where you will live.

What are you sending out?

Put on the new person.
Rinse off old assumptions
freshness will replace the stale.

Linking To


We Are All
Peers in This
World. In
This Work.
                 Fondly, cloudia


  1. Love beautiful Pixie.
    My inner self is packed with awe and wonder.

  2. I love how Pixie's freshness is banishing all the stale things in the world :)

  3. Beautiful blooms and cute kitty!


  4. Adorable kitty photo and other photos are very creative ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. The sun rising over the tall buildings is hopeful.

  6. Hello, love teh first sky image. Pixie is adorable, cute photo.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, wishing you a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  7. You are so right! Perspective is everything!

  8. I'm choosing the good stuff today! ;-)

  9. Pixie is a darling. I am giving myself some inner peace by looking at a show on the San Diego Zoo :) Looking at Dear Pixie and visiting you is helping too. Thank you Cloudia and Aloha!

  10. Love the way Pixie finds a nice snug spot - cats are just great!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  11. Good thoughts. Fine images too.


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