Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Matter Of Perspective

A  L  O  H  A !
It does not matter how long 
you are spending on the earth, 
how much money you have gathered or 
how much attention you have received. 
It is the amount of positive vibration 
you have radiated in life that matters.
               Amit Ray

Most misunderstandings in the world 
could be avoided if people would 
simply take the time to ask, 
"What else could this mean?”
          Shannon L. Alder

If you look the right way, 
you can see that the whole 
world is a garden.
          Frances Hodgson Burnett


Love YOU


  1. Asking and listening don't go astray either.
    And hooray for good vibrations.

  2. Your blog always emits good vibrations!

  3. You are so right, it is all a "Matter Of Perspective". Your photos are beautiful, as usual.

  4. Hello,

    Beautiful skies and images. I always try to look the right way!
    Wishing you a happy day!

  5. "What else could this mean?" A great question we need to consider more often.

  6. Too many people see something then start making up their own story about what was going on.


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