Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mesmerizing Oahu Sky Shows

A  L  O  H  A !
 If you have built castles in the air, 
your work need not be lost; 
that is where they should be. 
Now put the foundations under them.
 Henry David Thoreau

 Felix had gone to live in a lotus land of his imagination. Where what is desired is dreamed of as already happened, where obstacles dissolve under the weight of desire, and where reality has vanished entirely.
Iain Pears

The tired, old "reality"!

Dark clouds become heaven's flowers 
when kissed by light
Rabindranath Tagore

Those clouds are angels' robes. 
Charles Kingsley

Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, 
elegant, eternal. It's geometrically perfect. 
It's tiny and gigantic. You can travel far 
to be in a beautiful natural setting, or 
you can observe it in your backyard. . .
Gretchen Rubin

Love You,


  1. Is that a rooftop swimming pool??? Awesome shots!

  2. The Gretchen Rubin quote speaks very loudly to me. Thank you (and her).

  3. Those are so beautiful. However, this morning was lightning at 4:00 until 6:00. Pretty darn amazing.

  4. This is a great place to take a swim. Those skies are stunning, especially liked the rainbow cloud.

  5. I am inspired today by Thoreau and Tagore. Thoreau reminds me that I cannot remain simply wading in my thoughts and dreams -- I must build and DO. Tagore encourages to always consider the complex beauty of perception. ❤🌈❤

  6. The sky and land look like two different worlds.

    It is hard to believe how many buildings have popped up there. How do the locals feel about that?

  7. Such skies that you showed us today, Cloudia!

  8. Oahu is the gathering place. The wld mountains and the country are always near how many buildings are too many? That is a subject of debate. Thanks everyone


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