Sunday, November 17, 2019

Spirit's Janitor

A  L  O  H  A !
Everything on the earth has a purpose, 
every disease an herb to cure it,
and every person a mission.  
This is the Indian theory of existence.
Christal Quintasket - Salish

Things that touch us
 when we are very young 
have a special resonance
 life-long; Even more so
in mature years.

"I am the Spirit's janitor....
 all I do is wipe the windows a bit, 
so you can see out for yourself."
  Godfrey Chips - Lakota


  1. Love the first two pictures. That looks like such a cool swimming pool.

  2. Great images Cloudia, especially the second photo.

  3. Hello,

    Love the quotes and images Cloudia! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  4. "Everything on the earth has a purpose,
    every disease an herb to cure it,
    and every person a mission."

    I think this too.

  5. Wise words and cool images! Your first shot is gorgeous Cloudia 🌺💙

  6. I love your photos. The lizards are great. Ours sleep.

  7. I am just awestruck by these skies. You live in a very special place in our wonderful world!


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