Saturday, November 2, 2019

Work, Retirement and the Elemental

A  L  O  H  A !
The most important skill 
is anticipation.
Laurence J. Peter

Sitting Pretty Pigeon
Stuff you like to do, you still do it - 
just not so much. Stuff you don't like, 
just don't do it anymore! . . .
Who can yell at you? Nobody! 
And if they do, I can't hear anyway.
George 'Lefty' Gray, aged 102 

Scientists say that our
brains specialize in noticing
faces. Hence our talent for
finding them in unexpected
places. I say that this tree
root has been here a long time
and has seen much. Looks
elemental and stoic to me.
How many faces
do YOU see?

Linking To

Love To You,


  1. Anticipation is a blessing. Dread (which I also do) not so much.

  2. The tree looks like it has a big claw grabbing onto a stone creature.

  3. Four faces I do see..
    At the base of
    This majestic tree ✨

  4. It took me a while to see the pigeon. Cool shots!

  5. I love the piece that the pigeon is sitting in! I see 4 faces there. I hope I'm like that when I'm 102! ;-)

  6. I saw 4 faces but I'm sure I could see more if I spent more time! Love the old age quote! I need to remember that one! Eeeeeyyy...what did you say? heehee!

  7. I love the window cleaners, got some nerve. I hope their paid well.

  8. Great face photos and that last one is a charmer :)

  9. Hello,

    The tree is cool. Love the kitty too. Sorry, I am late visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your critters. I hope you have a happy day and weekend ahead.


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