Saturday, January 25, 2020

新年快乐 Lunar New Year in Honolulu

Gong Zee Fah Tsai!
Bang! Crash! 
Chase away your blues!
We're done with all that.
Welcome the clever Rat
who can accomplish
great things!

Linking To

Hope smiles from the threshold 
of the year to come, Whispering 
'it will be happier.'
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Lunar New Year
is not celebrated only
in a discreet district, or
Honolulu's ChinaTown. 

Lions & firecrackers
- even hundred-foot golden dragon-
will be heard and seen EVERYWHERE
in coming days:
Malls, shopping centers, banks
businesses, schools, homes. . .

January 25th 2020
Lunar New Year

 Wonder & Memories

All events MUST have a 
Clipboard Guy!

 Grab your earplugs,
and a dollar or three to feed
the lions. Then your good luck
in the new year
will be assured!

 Blessing First Hawaiian Bank Branch

Be sure to visit the temples
and receive a New Year Blessing
at the Shinto Shrine.

Are Chinese Dancing Lions
"Critters?" YES!

Linking To
Saturday Critters

Loving You,
Wishing You All
The Best!

Be sure your volume is 4 not 10!


  1. It looks like a HEAP of fun. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful pics and Loved both videos.

  3. Hello,

    Looks like fun Chinese New Year celebrations. Enjoy! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  4. Some people dance with wolves, but our Cloudia dances with LIONS!! Oh my!. Happy Year of the Golden Rat! 新年快樂! 萬事如意! 恭喜發財!

  5. A wonderful celebration to all who are celebrating the Lunar New Year :) Wonderful that you share these photos and videos, thank you Cloudia.

  6. If I celebrated CNY at my house I'd get arrested for illegally setting off fireworks.

  7. Hello. Fascinating and interesting serie of photos.

  8. Since we didn’t go into Chinatown for this, I thank you very much for sharing this with us. What a lot of fun! Happy New Year to you, Cloudia. I just heard my neighbor fire off some firecrackers.

  9. Even though we have a "moderate" Oriental (not just Chinese) community, we have absolutely NOTHING as clever, deafening, and celebratory as the celebrations you have in your hometown (and I suspect the island, too.

  10. Haha clipboard guy! Everyone looks like they are having a great time!

  11. Very nice celebration photos Cloudia.
    Here in Perth the Chinese also celebrate New Year, but I have yet to go out and take photos, but there will more occasions during the next 2 weeks.


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