Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Your Bit

A   L   O   H   A  !
Do your little bit of good where you are; 
it's those little bits of good put together 
that overwhelm the world.
   Desmond Tutu

 We're all just walking each other home.
When you know how to listen, 
everybody is the guru.
The quieter you become, 
the more you can hear. 
And suffering is just part of 
our training program.
            Ram Dass 

I have never met a person whose greatest need 
was anything other than real, unconditional love. 
You can find it in a simple act of kindness 
toward someone who needs help. -

- There is no mistaking love; 
it is the common fiber of life,
the flame that heats our soul, 
energizes our spirit and 
supplies passion to our lives.
           Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

I Love You,


  1. I do what I can, but my little bit so often feels insignificant.

  2. Great quotes today, and I love it that now you live inside the rainbows!

  3. Wonderful words and pics today again, Cloudia!

  4. Desmond’s quote is much like the butterfly affect.

  5. Our little bit does feel insignificant. But it is not nothing. It is something. Going from zero to one is significant. It is important. Millions of little ones, twos, and threes make all the big differences that are ever made in our world. Thank you for being a person who cares, E.C. Love EACH of you!

  6. The little bits add up over the years.

  7. Aloha Cloudia, I always enjoy you upbeat and uplifting words of wisdom. Enjoy your day and all of nature about you!


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