Sunday, March 29, 2020

How We're Doing

A    L    O    H    A  !
Don't let your worries 
get the best of you; 
remember, Moses started out 
as a basket case.

Some Laws of Cat Physics

Law of Cat Embarrassment
A cat's irritation rises in direct proportion to her embarrassment
times the amount of human laughter.

Law of Cat Composition
A cat is composed of Matter + Anti-Matter + It Doesn't Matter.

Law of Selective Listening
Although a cat can hear a can of tuna being opened a mile away, she
can't hear a simple command three feet away.

Law of Cat Obedience
As yet undiscovered

“There is only one way to happiness 
and that is to cease worrying 
about things which are beyond 
the power of our will.”

"Just the best I can do right now"
is heroic a this time.

We are ALL cycling through emotions
as we adjust and carry on.
Believe me: I do too.

A few tears, allowing some fears
and cycling back through
Hope to resignation.
And then Back around.

Don't Forget:
This Will End!
But be 'odd' with me,
and enjoy this irreplaceable day.

It will never come again.

Reach out to your friends.
Enjoy this time we've been given
for reflection, neglected tasks,
and pure enjoyment.

It's OK to be happy!

In fact, that's something
the whole world needs to feel.
Add your good vibes
to the pile!

Not since 1917
has the world faced such days.
We are doing GREAT!

  Love You,


  1. Beautiful Pixie.
    Jazz tells me that he never hears me until he has been called three times (or possibly four).

  2. Law of Cat Obedience: March to the beat of your inner drummer! Thanks for spreading love and wisdom.

  3. Today I learned about “Moses baskets”.

  4. Hello,

    Cute Pixie photo. Love the sky and moon photos. Wishing you a happy healthy new week!

  5. Beautiful skies and captions.

    Stay safe and healthy.

  6. Lovely Pixie :))
    Amazing skies. Loved the post.

  7. I enjoyed the fun today and your final passage brings it all together nicely.
    Take care.

  8. I just talked to my dad in his seniors home and he is doing great - I can't visit during these times. So I am feeling up right now and happy to see your pics and read the wise words.
    I'm waiting for the sun to come out (or so they said) and then am planning to go out on the deck and have the first beer outside this year!
    Stay safe dear Cloudia!

  9. Thank YOU each for holding hands and sharing a laugh <3

  10. Love the cat laws - they make purrrrfect sense to me!

    Hope all is well - Stewart M - Melbourne


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