Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Feather Precious

A    L    O    H    A  !
When words are both true and
 kind, they can change the world

Turn your face to the sun and 
the shadows fall behind you.
          Maori Proverb

Why did the pigeon cross the road? 
It was the chicken’s day off.

Entered what I ate today 
into my new fitness app and it just 
sent an ambulance to my house.

 Anti-Quarantine protesters are
like teaching a pigeon to play chess:
They don't know jack about it, 
they don't wanna hear you explain it, 
in the end they knock down the pieces 
and strut around like they won the game.

Kupuna = Senior [Hawaiian]

As the parents' generation fades, the
few left were referred to as "hulu mâkua" 
as highly valued as choice feathers, 
which were the jeweled treasures 
of Hawaiian culture.  

I am determined to be cheerful and happy 
in whatever situation I may find myself. 
For I have learned that the greater part of
our misery or unhappiness is determined not 
by our circumstance but by our disposition. 
                 Martha Washington

Linking To

Love You,

& Pixie


  1. Love the teaching the pigeon to play chess analogy.
    And Pixe. And you.

  2. Well I just borrowed the ambulance joke for Saturday Jokes.

  3. Aren't we having a bit of fun!

  4. I wish more people would read and think about that first quote!

    I think my diet is fattening the curve!

    Hope you are well - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. alohaaaa!!!!
    hi cloudia, hope you're doing well. pixie is so cute!
    love martha washington's quote. thank you for the inspiration today.

    lots of love!!

  6. Love the pigeon story, Cloudia! ;-)

  7. All those people were so wise :) Thank you for sharing their wise thoughts Cloudia :) and yours.

  8. Aloha Cloudia, Pigeons are so wise, beautiful words and captures. Take good care of you! Hopefully with care we'll be over this way of life as it has become.

  9. Lovely captures. The 2nd pic is a stunner!

    Stay safe.

  10. in Germany there are also many different types of pigeons.
    Unfortunately they are not appreciated everywhere.
    But I like them all.
    You are loving and loyal!
    Greetings from a distant country

  11. Things aren't easy everywhere Cloudia but sadly #45 is making them so much worse for you. Keep you all safe 💙💜


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