Thursday, May 21, 2020


A   L   O   H   A  !
There is a vitality, a 

life force, an energy, 

a quickening, that

is translated through 

you into action, and 

- because there is only 

one of you 

in all time, 

this expression is unique

Martha Graham

A 'treat' is different 

from a 'reward,' which 

must be justified or earned. 

A treat is a small pleasure 

or indulgence that we give

to ourselves just because 

we want it. Treats give us 

greater vitality, which 

boosts self-control, 

which helps us 

maintain our healthy habits.

Gretchen Rubin

The most striking quality 

common to all 

primitive art is 

its intense vitality. 

It is something made 

by a people with a 

direct and immediate 

response to life. 

Henry Moore

Imagine if the people 

who have lived and learned 

still had the vitality to 

act upon the hard 

learned lessons - 

and not just share in 

a conversation, 

but lead. 

Ron Howard

Only a person who 

has passed through

the gate of humility 

can ascend to the 

heights of the spirit. 

Rudolf Steiner

Shout Out!


with   our Love,

                                            Pixie & Cloudia


  1. Rainbows, Pixie shouting out, primitive art, and inspirational sayings... a wonderful tour de force!!!!

  2. Thank you and Pixie.
    Rainbows are ALWAYS a treat.

  3. No left turn on red. I almost got run over a couple of times walking in downtown St. Louis after the right turn on red law was passed. A few people thought that meant on one way streets, left turn on red was OK too.

  4. It's always a treat to virtually visit Hawaii with yourself and Pixie 💛💛

  5. Lovely rainbow in first pix, and all the rest, beautiful.

  6. Hello,

    The rainbow is a treat. Love the cute Pixie shout out. Take care! Wishing you a happy day!

  7. Thak you for the lovely treats!

  8. Pixie has something to say today! ;-)

  9. I love seeing Pixie today! Take care and stay safe! Love your rainbow and the quotes!

  10. I agree with the quote about having a treat. We all needs those tidbits, those moments that propel us in life. We need that sometimes! Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

  11. Thanks, Cloudia. Your post is my treat!

  12. Greetings and Salutations to Cloudia and Pixie! Thanks for the good advice. A treat I shall look for this week at Jewel. To claim a treat for how many weeks staying home? Be safe!


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