Thursday, July 9, 2020

Soul Food

A   L   O   H   A  !

Yesterday is not 

ours to recover, 

but tomorrow is ours 

to win or lose. 

Lyndon B. Johnson

The learner always begins 

by finding fault, but 

the scholar sees the 

positive merit in 



Don't be eye candy, 

be soul food.     

Truida Genis

You are the sum total 

of everything you've ever 

seen, heard, eaten, smelled, 

been told, forgot - it's all there. 

Everything influences each of us, 

and because of that I try 

to make sure that my 

experiences are positive

Maya Angelou


We Love You!
                           cloudia & pixie

Linking To


  1. Much as I admire Maya Angelou, even negative experiences have value. We need darkness to recognise light.

  2. The shots are wonderful today, Cloudia!

  3. "the sum total of everything you've ever ... eaten"
    Can you imagine how big someone would get if everything you ate just stayed with you?

  4. This is definitely Food for the Soul. I love the quotes and the photos are gorgeous!

  5. Hello, Cloudia
    Beautiful sky images and Pixie is always looking adorable.
    Great quotes and inspiring post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!


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